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sábado, 14 de noviembre de 2015

Hanacpachap cussicuinin

El Perú no sólo tiene a la tigresa del oriente, sino tiene muchas joyas barrocas como el siguiente en Quechua:

1°- Hanacpachap cussicuinin, - The bliss of Heaven,
Huaran cacta muchas caiqui. - I will worship you a thousandfold,
Yupairuru pucocmallqui, - Revered fruit of a mature tree,
Runa cunap suyacuinin. - Long awaited by your people,
Callpannacpa quemicuinin, - Protection of spiritual strength,
Huaciascaita. - Heed my call.

2°- Uyarihuai muchascaita - Hear my prayer, 
Diospa rampan Diospamaman - Litter of God, Mother of God,
Yurac tocto hamancaiman - White shoot of the lily,
Yupascalla, collpascaita - Worshipped, my barren state,
Huahuaiquiman suyuscaita - Show me your son,
Ricuchillai. - Whom I await.

3°- Chipchijcachac catachillai - O brilliant light of the Southern Cross,
Punchau pussac quean tupa -Meeting with the bringer of the day,
Cam huacyacpac, manaupa - Summon me in my disdain,
Queçaiquicta hamuiñillai - Save me 
Piñascaita quespichillai - From my anger,
Susurhuana. - Precious grain store.

4°- Ñocahina pim huanana - Like me, who will take revenge
Mitanmanta çananmanta - For his time on earth, 
Tecçe machup churinmanta. - For his lineage,
Llapa yallec millaimana - For the sons of his ancestors,
Muchapuai yasuihuana - Overcoming all abominations,
Huahuaiquicta. - Your child.

5°- Vequecta ricui pinquicta - See the tears, see them sparkle,
Çucai çucai huacachacman - Weeping profusely,
Sonco queve putichcacman - Your heart grieving,
Cutirichij ñauijquicta - Turn your eyes upon me,
Ricuchihuai uyayquicta - Look upon me with your face,
Diospamaman. - Mother of God.

6°- Hanacpachap callasanan - Ancient lineage of Heaven,
Canchac punchau tutayachec - Who darkens the shining day,
Quilla pacsa raurayachec - Who makes the moon burn bright,
Angelcunap cochocunan - The bands of angels
Hinantimpa rirpucunan - So ascend,
Cauçac pucyu. - Living source of water.

7°- Capacmanta mirac suyu - Royal kingdom of abundance,
Capaccunap capacnimpa - Royalty of the royals,
Ñaupamanta huachacninpa - Born of the beginning,
Gracia sococ, aclla puyu - Grace of old age, chosen royal crown,
Campim suyan tecçe muyu - The world has hope in you,
Dioscusichec. - God of grace.

20°- Gloria cachun Dios yayapac - May there be glory for the Lord, 
Dios churipac hinallatac - And for his son likewise,
Sancto Espiritu pac huantac - And also for the Holy Ghost,
Cachun gloria, viñaillapac - May there be glory for all eternity,
Cauçaicunap, cauçainimpac - For the life of all sustenance,
Cussicachun. Amen. - May there be delight. Amen.

Que curiosamente está inspirado en las Cachuas y un ejemplo de dicha danza:

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