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miércoles, 16 de diciembre de 2015

Si tu sueño merma

Si tu sueño merma, quizás por que espera una dulce arpa que lo arrulle y una voz pura que le cuente historias de otrora hermosas. Mira y observa, como la melodía te acurruca y te desea el mejor de los descansos, no será por que en el sueño realidad nos encontraremos y el sol tibio de invierno con su carmín calentará tu corazón.

Bryd one breere, briht bryd one trewe, kynd is come, of love love to crave: blithful bird, on me, on me thu rewe; or greith, leef, greith thu me, thu me my grave. Ich am so blithe so briht bryd one breere whan i see that hende, hendest in halle. he is whit of lim, of lim and leere; he is fayr, and flur, and flur of alle. 

Mihte ich hire, hir at wille have, stedefast of love, loveli, trewe, of mi sorw he may, he may me save, joy and bliss wer er, wer er me newe. 

Bird on a briar, bright bird on a tree, Nature has come to beg for love from Love: "Gracious lady, on me have pity; or prepare for me my grave." I am as happy as a bright bird on a briar when I see that gracious one. She is white of limb and face; she is fair, and the flower of all. If I could have her at will, steadfast in love, lovely, true - from my sorrow she can cure me - joy and bliss for me would be ever renewed. 

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